I wasn’t sure how I wanted to start out this post. But I think maybe some good news is in order. As of tomorrow, we are 14 weeks pregnant, moved into our new home, and enjoying a new house with Christmas decorations already up. It’s been nothing short of excitement and joy as we head into the 2020 holiday season. It’s a lot of firsts for us, and we’re excited to end what has been a less than joyful year very strong.
Today, like most Sunday’s, I attended our church service and left very humbled and grateful for our life. But something different hit me today. The topic was on on our job as Christians, to bless others because we ourselves have been blessed. But one verse in particular really summed it up for me. Luke 12:48 says “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”
Cody and I have had a whirlwind year. We started out in the lowest of lows, and we’re ending on top of the world. And it astounds me how the things I begged the Father for are now within arms reach. I debated on posting about this but in the moment of being transparent; I vividly remember in July when I was going through the third round of IVF drugs, laying on our tile floor in our last house, sick as could be, and begging God to please just give us some hope. Never did I Imagine in the span of 3
months we would be blessed immensely . New baby, new house, new perspective.
While I’ve never been more thankful, I’m remembering those who won’t be as joyful this Christmas. I see the pain on others faces or hear it in the way they talk, and I’m brought back to reality that this year hasn’t been kind. In fact, it’s been downright destructive. But in the middle of pure chaos, what I hope we find are those who are lifting others up. People coming together even socially distant, via Zoom or otherwise- lift people up!
The biggest lesson this year has taught me- joy is INFECTIOUS. Give your joy to someone. Share with the world what the Lord is doing in your life. Or all your good news. People need to feel happiness. The saying “misery loves company” might be true, but so is “joy comes in the morning”. We are on the horizon of 2021. And it’s time we turn the tables.
New year, new perspective. Even with a mask, even socially distant, even though we can’t hug or touch- it’s time to do our part. The world needs us more than ever. The rise in cases, the rise in depression/anxiety; the world needs joy now.